Sunday, June 29, 2008

Boxes of Books

Well, I'm into the new library and during the last week I've unpacked and checked in 80 boxes of new books.

I've still got the processing to do on these, plus the boxes of books being transferred from other schools. By the time I unpacked the 80th box, I was actually tired of handling books, something that is very rare for me.

Return to work has brought my quilting to a screeching halt. However, before the books came in, I had a sort of assembly line thing going.

I set up the squares, aligned and ready to go.

Yes, my machine is a ca. 1970 Singer Touch and Sew Model 648. It was my mum's when I was a kid and therefore the one I learned to sew on. I like its simplicity and durability.

Anyway, I next sew two squares together, over and over, without stopping to cut the threads, which would slow me way down.

After I have a string of these, I cut and trim the threads.

Pressing the double squares open, I get these . . .

Which I then join to get these four-square blocks.

I did get all the four-square blocks finished, now I "just" have to sew them together to make the quilt top, baste the sandwich of top, batting, and backing, and finally quilt and bind it.

This will probably wait a while, though. The quilting seems like a "big project" which requires chunks of time and dragging out the sewing machine. On the other hand, my knitting is a pick-up-and-go-anytime type of thing, so I will probably be doing more of that until I get another chunk of time. (The first quilt I made took 10 years of pulling out and putting away before I finished it.)

Monday, June 9, 2008

What I've Been Up to Since May 10

No, the mess in the office didn't bury me, it just felt like it. May is always a crazy busy time in a school. This year was added the fact that I am moving books and opening a new library in another building. So we had to be packed and ready to leave a day or two after school was out. Boxes of books -- one reason I had not planned to move for quite a while after buying a house. Well, I'm not moving house and I'm still packing books!

I finished spinning the Blue Faced Leicester and with it added to the alpaca I'd spun I think I have enough for a sweater. I've started on it; pictures when I've made some headway.

I finished a lace table topper for my assistant who retired at the end of May. Here it is blocking.

I dyed some wool -- the picture's fuzzy but the color's pretty true.

And in an unusal (for me) departure into other realms of textile arts, I've been working towards quilting. More on that soon.

We've also been dodging tornadoes, storms, and floods for the last two weeks. There's another one rolling in now, wouldn't you know.