Saturday, October 20, 2007

Too Long

Okay, I can tell it's been too long since I blogged when I go to download pictures from the camera and see that there are still things on there from three weeks ago.

I have been busy!

I went to a Natalie McMaster concert -- fifth row! Brilliant!

I finished spinning my gray mohair. I have stealth plans for this yarn.

I survived Open House at school.

I went to the Feast of the Hunter's Moon in Lafayette.

I am recovering from the sudden attack of a two-day cold (no pictures).

I'm trying not to envy everyone at Rhinebeck.

Today I ventured into the kitchen for more dyeing.

"Before" picture of the gray mohair. I don't really like the gray color.

"Before" picture of the too-bright yellow. I bought it for a project with primary colors that got frogged to turn into something else.

Enter the Kool-Aid.

"After" pictures -- cooling. The red and green look so Christmas-y.

We'll see how they do rinsed, dried and skeined. Stay posted.