I've still got the processing to do on these, plus the boxes of books being transferred from other schools. By the time I unpacked the 80th box, I was actually tired of handling books, something that is very rare for me.

Return to work has brought my quilting to a screeching halt. However, before the books came in, I had a sort of assembly line thing going.
I set up the squares, aligned and ready to go.

Yes, my machine is a ca. 1970 Singer Touch and Sew Model 648. It was my mum's when I was a kid and therefore the one I learned to sew on. I like its simplicity and durability.

Anyway, I next sew two squares together, over and over, without stopping to cut the threads, which would slow me way down.

After I have a string of these, I cut and trim the threads.

Pressing the double squares open, I get these . . .

Which I then join to get these four-square blocks.

I did get all the four-square blocks finished, now I "just" have to sew them together to make the quilt top, baste the sandwich of top, batting, and backing, and finally quilt and bind it.
This will probably wait a while, though. The quilting seems like a "big project" which requires chunks of time and dragging out the sewing machine. On the other hand, my knitting is a pick-up-and-go-anytime type of thing, so I will probably be doing more of that until I get another chunk of time. (The first quilt I made took 10 years of pulling out and putting away before I finished it.)