Friday, June 8, 2007

What's It All About? (Not the Hokey Pokey)

In Indiana, the Lilly Endowment offers an annual grant to teachers to support "creative projects that are personally renewing and intellectually revitalizing." I have applied for this grant four (count 'em) times and have been awarded one for this summer.

My grant proposal was titled "Ariadne's Legacy: Spinning a Golden Thread." Hence the blog title. The official purpose of my project is to "allow me to fulfill my dream of purchasing a spinning wheel and fibers necessary to create handspun yarn. Also, it will provide funds for participating in spinning workshops in Nova Scotia and allow me to create handspun yarn for a one-of-a-kind sweater."

This blog is part of my effort to document my project in a fun and timely way.

A big shout out to Lilly Endowment for providing this opportunity. They do some great work around our state, and this particular program provides many living on a teacher's salary with opportunities they could not otherwise afford.

James 1:17


Jenny W said...

To think I've spent 2 years of my life unsuccessfully applying for grants to fund my project on cardiac toxicity in survivors of childhood cancer...maybe I should have picked a project with less science and more travel! But seriously, I know you deserve a break away. I hope you have a great time. But beware...I bet your cat is planning something evil in your absence.

nancy said...

Ah...I think I agree with the good Jenny. I am a little confused on this whole travelling and spinning thing. What does this have to do with library science? Can anyone get this kind of grant? Hey Jenny--lets go learn about Hawaiian dancing or something! Just jealous Sarah. I hope you have a great time!

Anonymous said...

We also are trying to put this all together. So you are traveling to Novia Scotia to learn how to knit a sweater from scratch. One of us wants to go to England and learn to build a drum from a sheep that I kill with my bare hands! The other one wants to go to Ireland and make a basketball from a giant gourd. Seriously, we are proud of you Sarai and wish you much success!!