Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 1: Monday

Monday morning, packed and ready to head out.

The trusty Honda is ready to go.

First new state: Ohio. The sign should say "Welcome to Ohio, One Big Construction Zone."
Alternative state mottos:

  • "If it's paved, we're working on it."
  • "We love orange."
  • "Road Work Ahead."

Early indicators of Canada:

  • Tim Horton's signs around Dayton and Columbus (!?)
  • Lots of Ontario cars between Erie, PA and Buffalo.

The farthest-away license plates I've seen: Oregon and Alaska.

After a seemingly endless drive, I reached Pennsylvania. Just west of New York and East of
Erie, PA, I saw what I at first thought was a slightly darker layer of sky or clouds up ahead. Upon closer look, it was Lake Erie! It's only visible from the Interstate for a short while.

Arrived at my hotel in Buffalo around 5:30. It was such a nice night and I'd been in the car all day so I took a quick trip up to Niagara Falls to stretch my legs. I was so close it would seem a shame to miss it.

Found a tourist to take my picture.

Huge hot air balloon.
It's hard to gauge how big it is from this picture -- it looked like something out of a science fiction book.
Off to Massachuesetts this (Tuesday) morning!

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