Friday, February 22, 2008

We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Blog

Sorry for the long absence -- I wound up in the hospital again a couple of weeks ago. I refuse to let this turn into a long boring list of the gory details of my health, so I will just say that I'm to see an immunologist, be on medical leave through March 12, and have upcoming surgery to fix a blocked tear duct.

The up side of long illness is lots of knitting and reading time when you don't feel energetic enough to do anything else.

Mystery Object Revealed

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Finished! Yep, it's a pom-pom maker.

I've finally caught up (mostly) on photographing knitting projects I've finished in the last couple of months.

A whole lot of cotton dishcloths. When you're too tired to think, these are great projects. Ann and Kay would be so proud.

Charity knitting. The hats were for my sister, but gauge went horribly wrong. I call the left one "Darth Vader" (imagine it in black)though it's here.

More charity knitting. Staying at my parents' after getting out of the hospital I ran out of yarn!! My mom produced some green 70's acrylic originally intended for an afghan. The square is for Warm Up America. It may be an unnatural green, but it's still warm.

Wool bed socks (for moi).

We have hat day every year at school and the only hat I had was a baseball cap that gave me hat head and made me hot. I wanted something looser but dramatic, so I used up a bunch of old acrylic on this.

My sister has about 3 hats I've made for her, but says they all don't cover her ears adequately. So, I have finally come up with this. It's a cross between the Blue Hills cap and a traditional Peruvian chullo. Note the pom pom on top, specifically per her request.

Somebody was really clingy and attention seeking after I got home from the hospital! That doesn't stop her from snatching my seat for a nap in the sun.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Love the pom pom maker. Your dad is very clever. Did he make you a niddy noddy like Leslie's yet?

Sorry to hear you've been in the hospital. That's no place for sick people! Hope you feel better soon.