Thursday, July 31, 2008

What I Have and Haven't Done

I did work most of the summer trying to get the new library up and running at school (kids start Aug. 13).

I didn't blog for most of the month (I think there's a correlation there).

I did get a chunk of the "Cotton Candy" yarn spun.

I didn't meet my Tour de Fleece goal.

I did annoy Lady Jane by being so busy (which means less play time for her).

I didn't find the mini-clothespins to complete this baby room decoration for a friend of mine.

I did (almost -- do buttons count?) finish this sweater for her upcoming baby, since baby's mommy and daddy are big football fans.

I didn't take a picture at the baby shower I went to in Chicago this past weekend.

I did visit a yarn store while there and scored some neat alpaca/silk laceweight, which I have plans for already.

Now I must be off -- her royal highness needs more cat food, and I have to go to the library before joining some friends for the Radical Lace and Subversive Knitting exhibit.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mostly Books (a.ka. the Attack of the Parenthesis)

Last year on this date I arrived in beautiful Cape Breton. Sigh. I'd love to take another road trip, but it doesn't look like it's on the agenda this summer.

However, for those of you who like to browse here for book suggestions [Laura :-) ] here's a "few" I've read lately.

I've started exercising again. I figure if Dara Torres can make the Olympics at 41, I can get into shape (although, round is already a shape). Note to self: taking the iPod to the gym does no good if you leave the earbuds in the car.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tour de Niece, Tour de Fleece

So my nieces were staying with Grandma and Grandpa this past week, prompting a visit to the Indianapolis Children's Museum, one of the coolest places in town (whether you're a kid or not).

There's the 1917 carousel that I rode as a kid.

Science Works, where you can get wet.

A race car where you can pretend to be the next Danica Patrick (or Sarah Fisher).

A really cool climbing wall which Niece the Younger termed "Mt. Everest."

And my favorite, Dale Chihuly's Fireworks of Glass.

You can go to the lower level beneath the sculpture and look up at a "kaleidescope."

So now the nieces are back in Iowa and Aunt Ariadne is on to the Tour de Fleece.

My goal is to finish spinning this bag of wool I bought back in April. It is a wonderful color (close in the second picture, although it's almost impossible to get an accurate color with my camera). But it is very course and so doesn't draft extremely easily and "wants" to be spun thinly, so it's taking a while. If I spin about an hour a day surely I'll have it done by July 27?