Thursday, July 31, 2008

What I Have and Haven't Done

I did work most of the summer trying to get the new library up and running at school (kids start Aug. 13).

I didn't blog for most of the month (I think there's a correlation there).

I did get a chunk of the "Cotton Candy" yarn spun.

I didn't meet my Tour de Fleece goal.

I did annoy Lady Jane by being so busy (which means less play time for her).

I didn't find the mini-clothespins to complete this baby room decoration for a friend of mine.

I did (almost -- do buttons count?) finish this sweater for her upcoming baby, since baby's mommy and daddy are big football fans.

I didn't take a picture at the baby shower I went to in Chicago this past weekend.

I did visit a yarn store while there and scored some neat alpaca/silk laceweight, which I have plans for already.

Now I must be off -- her royal highness needs more cat food, and I have to go to the library before joining some friends for the Radical Lace and Subversive Knitting exhibit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the pic with the cat! very funny hahaha "I GET YOU!!" ;D